How to plan for LEAD volume

1. USE your lead definition

otherwise, what was the point in making it?

2. Think in terms of ‘a typical day’

Months don’t have the same number of days, nor the same number of weekdays. Trying to get an accurate forecast for a MONTH is actually harder than just modeling a day.

3. Place ‘pivot points’ instead of trying to model everything

want 10% growth in leads over the course of the year? Put X on Jan 1 and X * 1.1 on Dec 31 instead of 300 in January and 330 in December. You, your sales team, and your board will thank me later.

In this example, the following inflection points were used

Day 0: .5 leads / day

Day 90: 1 lead / day

Day 360: 2 leads / day

Day 720: 5 leads / day

Day 1800: 12 leads / day

Given these 5 points, the values between can be interpolated simply.